Marta Sironi

projects about me

Cover of Henri va a Parigi, Corraini Edizioni

Pages of Henri va a Parigi

Covers of the analysis booklets

Alternative cover for Henri va a Parigi

Leaflet (front)

Leaflet (back)

Teaser for Henri va a Parigi

Illustrated book Henri va a Parigi

We worked on the illustrated book Henri va a Parigi written by Leonore Klein and illustrated by Saul Bass.
We first analysed the different graphic elements of the book through five booklets, we used this information to design an alternative cover for the book.
We then design a leaflet to resume the contents, both narrative and graphic.
Finally we created an animated teaser for the book, following the protagonist through his journey.

Laboratorio di Fondamenti del Progetto
Proff. G. Baule, E. Caratti
A.A. 2017/2018

Project by:
Marta Sironi, Matilde Balestri, Sara Davì, Patricia Vanz Gibellato, Miarana Andriantovoniaina